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Cracked lips are a hindrance to beauty. Use these tips daily

Cracked lips are a hindrance to beauty. Use these tips daily

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Now that winter is coming, our skin is being affected the most in this season.

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As much as it is important to take special care of our skin in any one season, we should also take care of our skin daily.

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The skin on our lips is more delicate and sensitive than the skin on our face. Let's see leap care tips.

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In winter, the skin of our face, hands and feet becomes dry and starts deteriorating. The skin of the lips is more delicate than the skin of the face and hands. Lips tend to crack in winter.

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But did you know that dry and chapped lips are not only unsightly but also irritating, so if you are also troubled by chapped lips then try this home scrub.

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It is advisable to apply lip balm on chapped lips, but due to lip balm, your lips remain soft for some time, but after a while chapped lips start appearing, so permanent and panacea treatment should be found for these problems.

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To make chapped lips soft, we can remove dead skin from them by taking some measures. The skin of the lips is very thin and sensitive.

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That's why you think a lot before using any scrub on your lips. If possible, adopt natural methods to remove dead skin from your lips. For this it is always right to use a homemade scrub. All you need is sugar which is easily available. Available in your home.

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To make a sugar scrub, you will need brown sugar along with honey and coconut oil. Combine these three things. Homemade scrub ready...

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Apply the prepared homemade scrub on the lips in circular motion with light hands and then wash off with water. Regular use of this scrub will give relief from chapped lips.

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Scrubbing removes the dead skin of the lips and will also increase the blood circulation and will help in making the lips look more beautiful.