How to workout lower abs | 5 best lower abs workout

How to workout lower abs | 5 best lower abs workout 

Maintaining a strong core is crucial because it supports your lower back, enhances posture, and stabilises your entire body. Strengthening your core muscles will expand your range of motion and keep you safe while carrying out daily duties because almost all bodily motions start in the core.

Of course, some individuals strive for flat, washboard abs for cosmetic reasons, but they encounter challenges in achieving their six-pack objectives. It’s critical to vary your workout in order to obtain complete definition because simple crunches alone are insufficient.
All of the ideas we’ve been discussing are neatly achieved with the lower abs exercise. Begin with two exercises that concentrate on your lower abs, then go on to some oblique exercises, and finish with a move that stabilises your core.

High knees:

lower abs workout
lower abs workout


Without including an aerobic routine, working on your lower abs is practically impossible. One cardio workout that not only raises your heart rate but also quickly warms up your core muscles is high knees. The outcome? more effective lower-abdominal fat removal! Just keep in mind that you must perform them extremely quickly in order to effectively work your core. Beginners can complete 50 repetitions of each leg in 4 sets, while experts can complete 100 repetitions of each leg in 5 sets.

Reverse crunches:

lower abs workout
lower abs workout


Reverse crunches target your lower abs in the same way that regular crunches target your upper core. We’ll let you in on a little secret: if you perform many leg raises at the gym but see that your stomach remains the same, stop right away. Reverse crunches will help you lose weight more quickly and with less repetitions. Holding anything behind your head will help you balance the action if you are first unable to perform reverse crunches. Once you get the hang of it, you may perform the move with your hands on the mat. Beginners can complete 15 reps in 4 sets, while more experienced athletes can do 25 reps in 4 sets.

Scissor abs exercises:

lower abs workout
lower abs workout


When asked to complete this activity, many of you must give up since it seems far too easy. Now, attentively read what we are about to say. The general rule for developing abs is that simpler exercises are preferable to more difficult ones. Do you understand the reason? because you carry them out properly, with the appropriate form, and with engaged muscles. Don’t make faces the next time your trainer instructs you to do something! Do them instead to understand their value. Beginners can complete 50 reps from each leg in 4 sets, while more experienced athletes can complete 100 reps from each leg in 5 sets.

V-up crunches and hold:

lower abs workout
lower abs workout


Whether you have upper or lower abs, this is the ultimate showstopper. You will be contracting every part of your tummy with this exercise. There are two moves in this workout. For the first, you must perform standard V-ups; after completing one set, you must maintain the V position for 10 seconds. Beginners can perform 15 reps, hold, and complete 4 sets, while more experienced athletes can perform 25 reps, hold, and complete 5 sets.

Pilates100 :

lower abs workout

This exercise will switch your core’s gear from being warmed up to getting active, therefore you can perform it after performing high knees. Simply roll over onto your back, elevate your knees and neck, keep your arms straight at your sides, bring them together, and try tapping the floor with your hands. Aim for four rounds and 100 taps.

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