5 Proven Ways To Stay Focused At Work

5 Proven Ways To Stay Focused At Work

Focused At Work
Focused At Work


Finding a way to maintain concentration while a hundred other things are going on around them is one of the hardest obstacles for employees. Focus loss can be caused by a variety of things, including our time-wasting behaviours, distractions, and obnoxious coworkers, to mention a few. These elements may have a detrimental effect on your productivity and general effectiveness.

5 offers surprisingly simple and powerful strategies to help you overcome distractions and focus on work if you’re struggling to stay focused. Let’s go


Organize your workstation

Organize your workstation
Organize your workstation


Things that are directly in front of us or right next to us have a direct impact on our brain. If your workspace appears to have recently been hit by a hurricane and everything is disorganised, guess what? You would feel disoriented and lost the entire day, and that’s exactly how it would be.

Some people claim that your workstation reflects your habits and personality. You might want to organise it a little if it is overflowing with paperwork and other items. It takes very little effort to keep your workstation tidy and organised, yet it can have a big impact on your ability to maintain focus and increase your productivity.



Take up one thing at a time

Organize your workstation
Organize your workstation


Even though most of us struggle with multitasking, not all of us are born with it. It’s likely that the plethora of activities crowded into our daily schedule and the continual switching between them will leave you exhausted and disoriented. Additionally, it violates the entire point of multitasking.


A study by the American Psychological Association found that moving between many tasks frequently lowers our odds of finishing any one of them on time. It really ends up wasting time rather than saving it. In addition, juggling more than two things at once causes us to lose focus and commit more errors.



Choose suitable music

Choose suitable music
Choose suitable music


Email is another activity that may be quite distracting and unpleasant. You receive a tonne of emails every day, both business and personal. It’s interesting that you receive emails while completing the most crucial duty of the day. Do you know that a typical employee sends roughly 56 emails per day, on average taking 1.5 hours to do so?

Having different email addresses for work and personal use will help you avoid this confusion. Set filters based on your preferences and schedule a certain time to check and respond to emails. Limiting the amount of time you spend on email is a wonderful approach to stay focused and spend time on things that really important.



Use apps to train your brain to focus
Use apps to train your brain to focus
Use apps to train your brain to focus


When there are several things demanding our attention, it can occasionally be nearly hard to concentrate. You might be shocked to learn that there are a variety of tools, mobile apps, and project management programmes that might actually improve your ability to concentrate. These apps are created in a way that enables you to recover your brain and get to work on the tasks that are most important. To mention a few, popular and well-liked apps are Headspace 2.0, Concentrate, and Brain.fm.



Create an hourly-work plan

Create an hourly-work plan
Create an hourly-work plan


Lack of a clear plan is one of the main causes of most of us losing our concentration. As a result, we become distracted and our monkey mind frees itself. Try arranging your tasks hour by hour to help control your monkey mind. It is a fantastic workout that provides your workday structure. You are well aware of when to take each action and what needs to be finished at the end of the day.

In fact, a smart strategy to improve the process of prioritisation is to create an hourly plan. It enables you to schedule your day so that you may complete things that call for more concentration or energy first thing in the morning.

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