How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter

How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter

How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter.To avoid the cold in the winter season, we protect ourselves with the help of warm clothes, but often we are not able to take care of our skin properly, due to which the glow of the skin starts decreasing. Cold winds take away the moisture of the skin completely, due to which the skin becomes dry and lifeless. Therefore, in this winter, follow these easy home remedies to protect your skin from the cold.How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter


Facial skin care
facial skin care
facial skin care


Your skin needs more moisture in winters than in summers. So moisturize the face well. Do not leave the house without applying sunscreen even in winter. You can use aloe vera, coconut, shea butter and herbal oils to maintain facial moisture. Along with this, you can prepare moisturizing packs at home to keep the skin soft. Make a paste by mixing one teaspoon of almond powder in two tablespoons of milk. Leave this paste on the face for ten minutes. After that wash your face with clean water. Apply this pack every night before sleeping.


Lips care

lip care
lips care


The most effect of dry winds is on the soft and soft lips of women. Due to which the lips start cracking and become dry. If you want to keep your lips moisturized even in this winter, then use a lip balm containing petroleum jelly and vitamin-E on your lips. To reduce the dryness of the lips, apply desi ghee in the navel before sleeping at night. This remedy is also very effective in maintaining the moisture of the lips. If your lips are cracking a lot, then do not apply lipstick for a few days. Also, do not forget to moisturize the lips before applying matte lipstick in winter and after applying lipstick.


Hand and foot care

hand and foot care
hand and foot care


The skin on the hands is the thinnest skin in our body. Therefore, to maintain the moisture of the hands, use a cream containing vitamin-E. Use hand cream two to four times a day. Use a gentle handwash in winters. If the cold is increasing, then go out wearing gloves. Foot Care

To protect your feet in winters, apply oil based moisturizer instead of water based moisturizer. The oil-based moisturizer forms a firmer layer on the skin of the feet, which is more effective in retaining the skin’s moisture than any ordinary cream. Along with the feet, it is also important to take care of the ankles. To make the heels soft and beautiful, apply a lotion that contains petroleum jelly or glycerin. Do not forget to scrub the feet from time to time.


Eye care
Eye care
Eye care


In cold weather, mud accumulates in the eyes, as well as the skin around the eyes looks shriveled. To get rid of these problems, wash the eyes with clean water every night before sleeping and then wipe it with a cotton ball with light hands, this will not get mud in your eyes. Cleanse cotton balls to tighten the skin around the eyes

Dip it in almond oil and keep it on the eyelids for five to ten minutes, then massage it lightly with a finger. This will make your eyes more beautiful in winter.



don’t bathe in hot water
don't bathe in hot water
don’t bathe in hot water


To avoid the cold, we often take bath with hot water, but bathing with very hot water takes away the softness of the skin. Therefore, if possible, take a bath with cold water or with lukewarm water, this will keep the moisture of the skin intact. Apply coconut oil on the body immediately after bathing. Or add a few drops of essential oil to the bath water. In this way, with these easy tips, you can take care of yourself and make winter happy.


How to take care of face skin in winter is

as follows – 
How to take care of face skin in winter is
How to take care of face skin in winter


1) Body scrubbing is best in cold weather. This helps in removing dead and rough skin. But those whose skin is dry should avoid scrubbing. Because it is likely to make the face more dry. You can use any natural scrubber available in the market or mixing sugar and curd at home and using it for scrubbing is very beneficial. Just don’t overdo the scrubbing.

2) Use of soap should be avoided. Because soap is likely to make the skin more rough. Similarly, before using soap, you must check the ingredients in it. Liquid soap may run if used.

3) Must use sun screen lotion while going out in winter. It provides a natural protection to the skin. Body lotion should be used along with this. It provides moisture to the skin.

4)  How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter. It is best to clean the face using raw milk. Or cleaning the face using besana is very beneficial. Making ice cubes of raw milk or cucumber juice and rolling it over the skin is very beneficial. It can also be used as a cleanser. Using a gel or cream based face mask twice a week will keep your face moisturized and help flush out toxins.

5) Steaming of turmeric in hot water during cold is very beneficial. Removes dead skin and helps unclog pores.

6) Avoid bathing with very hot water in cold weather. This makes the skin more dry. Bathe preferably with lukewarm water.

7) If possible, take a facial treatment in the cold. It is very beneficial.

8) If the heat of ripe papaya is applied on the face, the face becomes fresh.

9) Similarly drink more water in cold. So the face remains radiant. And toxins are removed from the body. So the skin remains wrinkled. Helps retain moisture in the skin. Drink 2 liters of water if possible.

10) Mix gram flour, turmeric and milk and apply on the face to brighten the face even in cold days.

11) Some people have oily or dry skin. If such persons prepare a face pack using multani miti, honey and curd and apply it on their face, the skin stays good even in cold weather.

12) Applying almond paste in milk makes the face soft and smooth.

13) Take tomato, carrot and cucumber juice in equal amounts and apply this pack on your face to make your face look more open.

14) Mixing lemon juice with milk and applying this pack on the face helps in reducing wrinkles.

15 ) If you want to make a moisturizer at home, take lemongrass, rose water, and glycerin in equal proportions and apply it on your face and hands every morning after your bath. Skin stays soft throughout the day.

16) After soaking the almonds in the night, peel them in the morning, make a paste and mix it with orange juice and apply it.

15) You may manufacture your own moisturiser at home by mixing equal parts of lemongrass, rose water, and glycerin. Use it on your hands and face every morning after taking a bath. Skin maintains its softness all day.

16) Peel the almonds in the morning after soaking them over night. Then, create a paste with orange juice and apply it.


How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter

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