Woman Loses 62 Kg After Getting Stuck On A Slide In Front Of Her Son

Woman Loses 62 Kg After Getting Stuck On A Slide In Front Of Her Son

Woman Loses 62 Kg
Woman Loses 62 Kg


62 kg were lost by a 25-year-old Washington, DC lady when she became caught on a slide in front of her son. Sara Lockett’s husband had to pull her off the slide back when she weighed 114 kg.Woman Loses 62 Kg

Ms. Lockett recalled the incident and told Caters News, “One time, my son asked for our help since he was too afraid to use the slide alone. I so attempted to continue sliding down with him, but when the slide turned, I became trapped and was unable to continue. To get me out, my husband had to come over. My memory of that time is permanently etched. To regain my life, I knew I had to try something else.”

The two-time mother had gastric sleeve surgery. She acknowledged in the interview that she gained weight while she was pregnant. Both gestational diabetes and excessive blood pressure were identified in her. Added Ms. Lockett, “I also didn’t eat well and had binge eating issues. I would eat as much as I could throughout the day, followed by two dinners and numerous snacks in the evening.”


She admitted that she once took in 3,000 calories daily. According to the New York Post, she used to gorge on Pop-tarts for breakfast before devouring a burger, chicken nuggets, and a large sugary soda for lunch.

Woman Loses 62 Kg
Woman Loses 62 Kg


Following the slide event, Ms. Lockett made the decision to change her diet and increase her exercise to lose weight organically. She was also given a PCOS diagnosis during the procedure, which complicated her attempts to lose weight. For her to reduce weight and balance her hormones, the physicians advised that she attempt the gastric sleeve.


The mother of two said, “My insurance paid for 98% of my surgery, which I had in September 2021. “I felt conflicted about the procedure. I was ecstatic, but I also knew it would require mental fortitude as I struggled to strike a balance between my way of life and my relationship with food.”


She revealed, “I underwent the various stages of rehabilitation following the procedure. In order to get used to my new stomach, I had to start out on a liquid diet before switching to a soft food diet.” “The weight started falling off, which was incredibly encouraging,” the woman continued, “but I started seeing big changes when I started working out six weeks after my operation.”


Ms. Lockett currently weighs 53 kg as a result of her active lifestyle. She eats egg whites with tomatoes and spinach for breakfast to get the day started. She eats a small serving of rice with steamed veggies and turkey mince for lunch, then chicken or shrimp lettuce-wrapped for dinner. According to the New York Post, she routinely exercises.


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