Hair straightening products may increase the risk of uterine cancer : Study

Hair straightening products may increase the risk of uterine Cancer : Study



Will you be using hair products to straighten your hair during the holiday season? Or will you utilise chemical hair products for any other kind of hair makeup? So, you must use caution here. All of these products must be carefully chosen by you. According to recent studies, the chemicals included in hair straighteners and many other hair products may contribute to uterine cancer.

A study was released in the Oxford University journal, Journal of the National Cancer Institute. This study found that women who use hair straighteners and numerous other hair products have an increased risk of uterine cancer. The team that included Che-Jung Chang, KT M O’Brien, Alexander P Keel, Chandra L Jackson, etc. conducted this work. Additionally, the US National Institutes of Health has given their approval for this study.



Hair products may contain chemicals with carcinogenic properties

Hair straightening
Hair straightening


Hair products may include harmful compounds with cancer-causing qualities, according to a number of prior research. The risk of breast, ovarian, and hormonally-related cancers is increased by their use. The impact of hair products on uterine cancer has not been researched up to this point. In a recent investigation, the association between these products and uterine cancer was investigated. This analysis revealed that using hair straightening products and other hair products raises your risk of developing uterine cancer (hair straightening products cause cancer).

For the study, 33947 women between the ages of 35 and 74 were included. It was decided to create a survey. Based on how many hair products they had used in the previous 12 months, the participants were asked questions. Of these, 378 women were discovered to have uterine cancer and to have used additional hair products, such as hair straightening, four times in the previous 12 months.



Big danger is this chemical present in hair straightener

Hair straightening
Hair straightening


Nearly 60% of the participants in this study, which was published in the National Cancer Institute journal, were black women who had used hair straighteners in the previous year. The study, however, could not discover a link between the use of straighteners and the prevalence of uterine cancer.

The prospect of a more serious impact on the health of black women, however, cannot be ruled out due to the overuse of these substances. According to Chi-Jung Chang, a study participant, black women use hair straightening treatments more frequently than other women and tend to start using them far sooner. These findings may be even more applicable to them in this circumstance.

If confirmed, these results are also consistent with past research that suggested using these straighteners could put women at an increased risk for hormone-related malignancies. For your knowledge, let us state that neither the brands used by women nor the ingredients in them were the subject of this study’s data collection. However, research indicates that a number of chemicals, including parabens, BPA (bisphenol-A), metals, and formaldehyde, which are included in straighteners, may raise the risk of uterine cancer.

Research suggests that compared to other personal care items, chemicals used in hair products, particularly straighteners, may provide a much greater health risk. The reason for this, according to the experts, is an increase in absorption through the scalp and hair, which might worsen the blisters and irritation brought on by straighteners.

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