How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week.A nutritious diet is important for our health. Blood flow is an important part of our body, in order to keep the proper flow of oxygen and nutrients to our body.A healthy diet improves blood circulation. When the body begins to lose blood, it also faces new diseases, so the amount of blood in the body must be regular. In this article we are going to know some home remedies for blood growth.

Some causes of low blood in the body:
How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week
Some causes of low blood in the body


Not consuming nutritious foods
Iron deficiency
Vitamin B-12 deficiency
Folic acid deficiency
to smoke
getting old
Symptoms of Hemoglobin Deficiency:
Fatigue early

dizziness and vomiting,
getting nervous
Excessive pain during periods
Increased hair loss etc.

What is iron?
What is iron
What is iron


Iron is found in the foods we eat. Iron combines with certain proteins to form hemoglobin in our red blood cells after we eat some. Red blood cells are important to our body because they carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. When iron and hemoglobin in the body are low, it means that your body is low in red blood cells.One way to try to increase your blood iron levels is to make appropriate changes to your diet.By eating foods rich in iron, you can encourage blood regeneration and increase the amount of iron in your body. Some examples of good sources of iron in blood are dates, eggs, raisins, shrimps, spinach etc.

What is hemoglobin?


What is hemoglobin?
What is hemoglobin?


Hemoglobin is the protein in our red blood cells that carries oxygen to the rest of our body. It also brings carbon dioxide out of our cells and back into our lungs for respiration. Hemoglobin count is less than 13.5 grams per deciliter in men and less than 12 grams per deciliter in women. Many things can cause low hemoglobin levels, such as iron deficiency, anemia, pregnancy, liver problems, etc.How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

If the amount of hemoglobin in your body is low, then you can consume apple or beet for that. You can eat an apple a day or drink an apple and beetroot juice together. Add ginger or lemon juice for extra flavor. Also you can eat pomegranate.Because it also helps in increasing the amount of hemoglobin. Pomegranate is also rich in iron, calcium, fiber and protein. Its nutritional value can help increase hemoglobin and healthy blood flow.

Some Home Remedies for Blood Increase – Consuming fruits such as pomegranate, figs, apples, apricots
How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week
How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

Pomegranate, figs, apples, apricots are some of the fruits that are useful for blood growth. Pomegranate or pomegranate juice is important to protect us from diseases. Pomegranate is rich in iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins, so it is beneficial for blood circulation in our body.How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

Spinach :



Spinach is a green leafy vegetable rich in iron. Regular consumption of spinach or other foods can definitely increase the hemoglobin in the body due to the highest iron content. One hundred grams of spinach can provide approximately 4 milligrams of iron.

Beets :



Beets have the highest folate content. That is why it is advisable to include beta in the diet when hemoglobin is low. Both vitamin C and iron can be obtained from eating beets. One hundred grams of beta-carotene provides about 0.8 mg of iron.

Chicken :



In case of weakness, chicken soup is given to the person. The reason for this is that mutton or chicken has the power to replenish the wear and tear in the body. However, when cooking chicken, it should be boiled or grilled instead of in oil. One hundred grams of chicken can provide 0.7 to 2.1 milligrams of iron.

Peanut Butter :

Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter


Peanut butter made from peanuts or peanuts is a great way to get iron. Eat bread and peanut butter for breakfast every day. One hundred grams of peanut butter can provide 1.9 milligrams of iron.

Tomatoes :



Tomatoes are a great source of iron. In addition, tomatoes provide both vitamin C and iron. Consume plenty of tomatoes in your diet to increase hemoglobin. One hundred grams of tomatoes can provide 0.8 mg of iron.

Egg :



You must have heard that eat eggs every day. Because eggs contain many nutrients. Importantly, eating eggs provides iron to the body. One egg can provide 1.59 milligrams of iron.

Pomegranate :



Pomegranate contains calcium, proteins, fiber and many other vitamins along with iron. Due to which it has a good effect on health. In case of weakness, pomegranate quickly replenishes the wear and tear of the body. One hundred grams of pomegranate seeds can provide approximately 0.3 milligrams of iron.

Dry Fruits :

Dry Fruits
Dry Fruits


A handful of dry fruits are said to be a daily requirement for a healthy lifestyle. Iron can be obtained from many dry fruits like figs, apricots, almonds, black currants, kharik. Eating 100 grams of dry fruits can definitely provide enough iron to the body.
Food –  There are many fans of sea food. Seafood also provides iron. Must eat fish like prawns, surmai, bangra in your diet. This will give the body plenty of iron.




Honey is very good for the body. Taking a spoonful of honey with warm water every day has many benefits for the body. Because honey contains many nutrients. Honey increases immunity and also provides enough energy to the body. From 100 grams of honey, the body can get 0.4 grams of iron.




It is often said that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Because apples are rich in iron. That is why it is advised to eat apple every day to increase hemoglobin. An apple can provide approximately 0.31 iron.

Remedies to Increase Hemoglobin Naturally

When hemoglobin is low, efforts must be made to increase it. For this you can increase hemoglobin level naturally and with these home remedies.

Increase the amount of iron in the diet
People who want to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood naturally. It is a simple and easy solution for them. Eating foods rich in iron can definitely increase hemoglobin in the body. Which can surely increase the red blood cells in the body gradually. You can increase the amount of iron in your diet by including foods like mutton, fish, soybeans, tofu, eggs, dried fruits, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, beets, carrots.

Increase your vitamin C

intake Vitamin C can be obtained naturally from many vegetables and fruits. For this, vitamin C can be obtained in large quantities from foods such as grapes, oranges, lemons, broccoli, mangoes, and kiwis.

Increase the amount of folic acid in the diet –

Folate is an important vitamin required by the body. This helps in the formation of heme i.e. iron in the body. Do this remedy if the amount of hemoglobin in the body is reduced. You can increase hemoglobin by including spinach, rice, peanuts, cowpeas, kidney beans, avocado and lettuce.

Exercise – 

It is very important that the food you eat is absorbed by the body. Regular exercise leads to proper movement of the body. Which affects the entire health system.

How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

Disclaimer: Before foll Disclaimer owing any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult your doctor.

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