Monkeypox eradication unlikely in US as virus could spread indefinitely


Monkeypox eradication unlikely in US as virus could spread indefinitely According to a report released this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the monkeypox virus is unlikely to be eradicated from the United States in the near future.   According to the CDC, the incidence is declining as vaccine availability has grown, … Read more

Healthy Banana Bread Recipe

Healthy Banana Bread

Healthy Banana Bread Recipe   Banana bread is a type of bread made by mixing banana and flour. People have doubts about whether banana bread is healthy or not, how banana bread is made and what are its advantages and disadvantages. Talking about banana bread, it is a type of bread made from banana and … Read more

How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week

How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week How to Increase Hemoglobin in a Week.A nutritious diet is important for our health. Blood flow is an important part of our body, in order to keep the proper flow of oxygen and nutrients to our body.A healthy diet improves blood circulation. When the body begins to lose … Read more

Cheilosis/cheilitis: What Is It, Causes & Treatment


What are cheilitis and cheilosis? Cheilosis or cheilitis refers to red, swollen spots on the outside corner of the lips. Cheilosis, also called angular cheilitis is an inflammatory illness that causes the mouth’s corners to crack, crust over, and scale. Everyone wants their lips to be soft and pink, but if there are redness and … Read more

Low Calcium Symptoms 

Low Calcium Symptoms 

Low Calcium Symptoms  Low Calcium Symptoms .Chronic calcium deficiency can cause changes in teeth, cataracts, brain changes and osteoporosis, which makes our bones brittle. Calcium deficiency does not show early symptoms. These symptoms are mild, and can be life-threatening if left untreated. In this article, we are going to learn about what calcium is and … Read more

Feeling Sleepy and Tired all Day, Know What is the Reason and Remedy

Feeling sleepy and tired all day

Feeling sleepy and tired all day, Know what is the reason and remedy Feeling sleepy and tired all day, Know what is the reason and remedy. I frequently have fatigue when working. The mind is not needed for work. But we frequently disregard this. But it’s critical to understand the precise cause of the persistent … Read more

How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter

How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter

How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter How to Take Care of Face Skin in Winter.To avoid the cold in the winter season, we protect ourselves with the help of warm clothes, but often we are not able to take care of our skin properly, due to which the glow of the skin … Read more

Meditation vs Sleep: Which Is Better? Can meditation replace sleep?

Can meditation replace sleep?

Sleep deprivation causes the majority of individuals to get quite agitated. Can meditation replace sleep? A study revealed that those who practice meditation have a better chance of having a restful night’s sleep. Developing your meditation skills can help you manage or refocus the frantic or racing thoughts that frequently prevent you from falling asleep. … Read more

How to Relieve Pain From a Migraine

How to Relieve Pain From a Migraine

How to Relieve Pain From a Migraine   How to Relieve Pain From a Migraine. Migraine is a headache disease in which the patient has to bear unbearable pain. Along with the head, this pain of migraine occurs in the forehead, jaw and sinus as well. There are also some measures to reduce this problem.Which … Read more

Criteria For Borderline Personality Disorder

Criteria For Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder – (BPD) Criteria For Borderline Personality Disorder – BPD is a type of mental disorder that affects the way we think about ourselves and other people. Due to this disorder, the mood and behavior of the affected person become unstable, due to which he may have to face many problems in everyday … Read more